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Too much chili

So, I found out my cholesterol is "borderline high" or if you're my mother calls it "really high." The actual number is 214, and the point is I'm changing my diet to lower my cholesterol and I'm starting to see it in the bowl.

On Sunday I decided to make chili with fake ground meat. I figured it would be filling, it would last the week for lunches, etc., and it would be high-protein. Similarly, I had to consider it would be very acidic, but the benefits outweighed the cons. So I had chili with cornbread for dinner and then again for lunch. On Monday I had a cup of low-fat yogurt for breakfast and red grapes with a cup of tea. Lunch, like I said, was leftovers and for dinner I caved and had a frozen pizza. I followed that up with a banana and a bunch of red grapes.
Tuesday I had a cracked cup of yogurt that tasted funny so I threw it away after a few bites. I met up with some friends for lunch and we went out for burgers. I had a turkey burger with a side of guacamole and chips and a glass of iced tea. It made me verrrrry tired so I had a cup of coffee afterwards. Oh DUH, it was a turkey burger that's why I got tired. I can't believe I didn't realize that off the bat. For dinner I baked some frozen french fries topped with the fake chili and low-moisture part skim mozzarella.
Then I spent the whole night farting and crapped three times today.

1 comment:

Sasquatch said...

I found that my gut doesn't like fake meat (or at least soy-based.) I just cut it out all together mostly (meat & fake meat.) Yes, ground turkey is a better alternative that is good too. I'd also recommend taking fish oil.