This is well overdue, but on March 22, 2013, Arijit Guha of passed away. He passed peacefully in the presence of loved ones. His wife has memorialized him beautifully in her own post on the Stage IV Hope blog, and I hope you will take the time to visit. It takes immense strength to stand by the side of someone you love while they suffer. Arijit was not only an invaluable patient advocate, successfully combatting the higher-ups at Aetna in a tense Twitter show-down, he was also a loving husband to a loving wife.
I have never met Arijit or Heather, but in following their story and through my brief e-mail interactions I find they have both set the standard for bravery and strength. Please do take some time to read through Stage IV Hope. Together they faced fear with love instead of anger. The world is a better place for having had him in it.
I have never met Arijit or Heather, but in following their story and through my brief e-mail interactions I find they have both set the standard for bravery and strength. Please do take some time to read through Stage IV Hope. Together they faced fear with love instead of anger. The world is a better place for having had him in it.
I have mild crohns but I'm a kid and budesomide jut ain't working.
shoot me an e-mail at dollvomit(at) I'd love to chat with you more. I was 12 when I was diagnosed (31 now) and have tried a slew of meds over the years.
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