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Do you know what today is?

Get ready for company, World AIDS Day, for today also marks the start of the first ever Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Week! What a busy day for people with immune disorders! Go out and get yourselves some brown ribbon and make yourself a little pin for IBD education.You can even make it hold hands with your AIDS ribbon, as pictured above.

Here are some tips - snagged directly from the CCFA website - on what you can do to take part in the fectivities (that pun might be kind of a stretch but I'm sticking to it):
  • Use the #CCFAawarenessweek on twitter
  • Reach out to anyone you know with IBD and let them know you care

I've admittedly got some personal reservations with the organization, but I still suggest expanding your awareness or sharing your expertise by reading through the forums at the CCFA site, as well as other sites like e-patients and We Are Crohn's and contribute what you can. Do you have advice or simply words of compassion to share with others? Why not start a blog of your own? Or give some readership to the wonderful folks I've got featured on my blog roll? Go on, get to it!

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